Blogs & Updates

Important Message for All Teacher App Customers
  February 27 2019


Important Message for All Teacher App Customers – action required on 28th February 2019 The information outlined below needs to be reviewed by the member of staff responsible for the maintenance of...
Email security update for schools
  February 07 2019
It has been brought to our attention that we have had a couple of instances where a rule has been set up within Microsoft Outlook email client to forward all emails to a different email address. We...
Complimentary SIMS Overview - Wednesday 1st May 2019
  February 06 2019


This event is an opportunity for Primary schools to visit our London venue to find out more about the latest benefits of SIMS. Did you know about our SIMS Overview Sessions? Following on from the suc...
Handling a School Closure in SIMS – Snow!
  January 30 2019


With snow starting to fall, and whilst it’s lovely to look at from the comfort of your home, it can cause havoc for schools and it might be necessary to close your school. Whilst we can’t help m...
Do you want to support PDSA by teaching your class how to be responsible pet owners?
  January 29 2019


Are your pupils passionate about pets? Well, why not support PDSA and sign up to their new free award programme, PetWise School Award? ...
There is an issue relating to the Spring School Census
  January 14 2019


It has been brought to our attention that there is an issue relating to the Early Years, Top-up Funding and Post Looked After Arrangements within the Spring School Census. A patch has now been made ...
CTF issue message appearing following the Autumn Upgrade
  January 14 2019


If a school has already taken the patch and/or confirmed against the CTF pop-up boxes they will not be asked to re-tick the boxes when the Autumn release is taken. Please note: schools which did no...
Tasks to be done within SIMS in January
  January 11 2019
This is a reminder for the tasks that need to be undertaken this month within SIMS. The SIMS Yearbook provides a list of suggested tasks that can be carried out during the course of the academic ye...
Migrate your Secure Access account to DfE Sign-in
  January 11 2019


It has been brought to our attention that number of schools are having issues with logging in to DfE secure access. As the site has been migrated to DfE Sign-in you will need to do this before you u...
New Census Fileset 1102 for Spring Census 2019
  January 09 2019


As notified in the previous blog we have been waiting for a new census fileset which has just been released. This fileset provides the following changes compared to Fileset 1100 and is now available...