Streamlining Your School or MAT's Finances: Why does Budgeting Software Beat Spreadsheets?

Posted  20th March 2024

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As a CFO in a multi-academy trust or School Business Manager, you understand the intricacies of juggling numerous budgets amidst rising costs and uncertain levels of funding.

Optimising financial planning is crucial, and that's where budgeting software can be your game-changer.

Ditch the Spreadsheets, Embrace Efficiency:

Forget the time-consuming, error-prone days of manual spreadsheets. Financial Planning software such as SBS Financial Planner takes care of updates to complex formulae and automates data entry, streamlining the process and freeing up your team for strategic tasks. Think generating accurate reports and scenarios in minutes, not hours.

Real-Time Insights, Informed Decisions:

No more relying on obsolete data. Financial planning software delivers real-time visibility into your school or MAT's financial health. Make informed decisions on budget allocations, identify trends, and anticipate potential issues – all with the latest information at your fingertips.

Track Staff Costs, Avoid Nasty Surprises:

It’s essential to be on top of your staff costs as they form the majority of your expenditure. Budgeting software makes light work of the calculations for staff increments, contract amendments, pay awards or inflation projections, ER’s pension costs and ER’s National Insurance. Most solutions, including SBS Financial Planner, provide a monthly reconciliation to check that what you’re paying for your staff matches your budget.

Collaboration & Transparency, Team Effort:

Financial planning software fosters collaboration. Share budget plans with other users, empower stakeholders to join the planning and monitoring processes, and ensure everyone's on the same page. Enhance transparency, build trust, and leverage collective expertise for informed decision-making.

Seamless Integration, Effortless Management:

Say goodbye to manual data entry and integration headaches. Many budgeting solutions feature seamless integration with your existing accounting, MIS, payroll and HR software. These relationships automate the flow of data and eliminate errors. Gain a holistic view of your MAT's finances with minimal effort. Take a look here to read about some of our integrations.

Cost Savings, Redeploy Resources:

Software like SBS Financial Planner doesn't just save time, it saves money. Efficient processes reduce the need for additional staff, and data-driven insights help identify cost-saving opportunities when planning or reforecasting. Invest in the software, reap the long-term financial benefits.

Ready to Unlock Your Potential?

Financial planning software is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity for efficient and effective financial management in your school or MAT. Streamline processes, gain real-time insights, save money, and empower collaboration. Start exploring solutions today, like SBS Financial Planner, and witness the transformation in your financial planning.