With you every step

Welcome to our “With you at Every Step” webpage. This campaign has been developed to support schools and nurseries in what is possibly one of the most challenging school terms in recent memory.
School Business Services is delighted to partner with Best Practice Network and Judicium Education, two of the most respected and reputable educational services brands in the country, to give you access to a range of free content and resources to support you and your colleagues at every step.
Free content & resources
The following are absolutely free and designed to support you and your colleagues at every step.

Our #EveryStep Partner
Share tips & advice through our #EveryStep social campaign
Now more than ever, we need to support each other. So, we’re asking you to share what steps you’re taking to ensure that your school, nursery, classroom, hallways and playgrounds are safe spaces for children to learn this term, using the hashtag #EveryStep
Here’s an example:
"An easy way to put at ease the minds of students, parents, and staff, is to publish the school's risk assessment on the school's website. Remember this is a working document and may need to evolve and change as we move through the academic year."
We’ll collate your tips, advice and photos and share them through our social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn) and our Content Hub on this website for everyone to access and benefit from. Look out for our posts and feel free to add comments!
To thank you for sharing your tips, advice and photos, we’ll be giving away some funky desk calendars – go on, you know you want one!