Posted 10th September 2014
In any profession it is important to scan areas tangential to your own – see what is on the horizon, develop your learning. So this week rather than talk about the things you need to do now, I thought I would bring to your attention a couple of things that I found interesting.
Concerns for the Coming Year:
Research amongst Academy Finance Directors suggests that the five areas that concern them most about the coming year are:
- Difficulties in creating medium term development plans for teaching and learning in their academies when there is uncertainty around per pupil funding
- Being able to secure capital resources to meet future pupil accommodation needs at their academy
- How to create shared service teams (back offices) to support and advise a number of individual academy schools
- The importance of presenting financial information in a readily accessible format; as we have seen in the latest Handbook, public scrutiny and transparency are key drivers
- The recruitment and retention within the Academy of good finance staff, particularly an issue in areas where the labour market is improving and competition from within and outside the sector pushes up salaries
- Using devices that pupils and staff are familiar with helps to promote wider digital literacy
- Personal devices are more likely to be upgraded and keep pace with change
- Money freed up in school budgets can be used to support the wider curriculum needs of all pupils and ensure that less affluent pupils can be provided with the latest technology
- Sharing knowledge between devices supports pupil to pupil and pupil to teacher collaboration