June saw the culmination in a lot of hard work and time invested in development and testing.
Posted 2nd July 2014
We released a new type of reporting code – Cost Centres. In many ways Cost Centres are similar to Analysis Tags, as they are independent of both your budget codes and the financial reporting codes. They can be assigned to both your budget entries and your service terms (for which you can assign three separate Cost Centres under which to report all basic salary, NI and Pension costs per service term). Proper use of Cost Centres allows users to dissect their budget in a third dimension to not only report, but also monitor! For full details of how to get started and using Cost Centres, please see the interactive help articles, or of course, feel free to give Service Desk a call who will be happy to help. Other significant release items in June:
- 2014 Teacher Salary Scales released for September budget planning. Please note the home page where we give directions and recommendations of how to apply to your budget
- Ability to mass import Service Terms
- Ability to import files containing symbols (£) into the Salary Monitor
- Additional totals and subtotals for many reports