October release items
Posted 4th November 2013
There were two software releases in October, each bringing further improvements to SBS Online.
v11.3.4 introduced 'Interactive help':
- Clicking the help icon beside the title on any screen opens a help box, which will provide you with an overview of the page, including key information and user tips.
- Further information related to the current page may be available by following the 'See also:' links at the bottom of each box.
- You may see tool-tip icons in some of the create and edit screens next to individual fields and text boxes. Simply hover your cursor over these icons to reveal further tips and detailed explanations.
- The entire help directory is available through the 'View online help' link at the bottom of each page. Here you can navigate between help articles, as well as download and print a full consolidated user guide.
- The ability to duplicate contracts.
- All PDF exportable reports now include the school name and the budget name.
- The Revenue In-year balance calculation in the CFR monitor has been adjusted to include B01 (Committed Revenue Balance Brought Forward). The calculation formula is: (B01 + Income) - Expenditure.
- Salary monitor enhancements including:
- The ability to map payroll codes to multiple service terms, which in turn allows the system to 'find' the correct service term to reflect the payment under in the Reconciliation summary screen.
- A new status indicator - a red flag. This indicates that there is a matching contract, but that the variance falls outside of your tolerance settings.
- Agency contracts and non-salary items will no longer appear in the salary monitor. Non-salary items still update the Reconciliation summary and are visible in a separate screen - 'Monitoring -> Non-salary monitor'.
- Uploads will ignore any zero values in the payroll file.
- An improved detail view, limiting the number of items highlighted red to show only the areas of required focus.
- The Reconciliation summary screen has an additional column – total for the year by service term and can now be exported to Excel, PDF or printable version.
- Lower level reporting beneath existing budget/GL codes
- Tracking and reporting of expenditure, therefore justifying expenditure of specific income
- Segmenting of your budget into departments or other user defined categories