Overview of NEW Attendance codes - Autumn 2024 onwards

Posted  20th June 2024
Posted by  MIS Service Desk
Please note we have a webinar on 3rd July with an overview of the new Attendance codes - Bookings >

SIMS Basics Webinar

From 19th August 2024 new attendance codes go live. Below is an overview of the new attendance codes from August 2024 onwards.

The following is a summary of the key points in the document  “Working together to improve school attendance”

There is a lot of detailed guidance that you need to be aware of, some of the guidance for specific codes has been changed such as the T code.

Click Here for a simple overview of who is responsible for what.

There is now mandate for data sharing by all schools

For further information Click here

Access the Monitor your school attendance dashboard:

  • If you’ve already got access, log into your reports here - View your education data (VYED)
  • Read instructions on how to Access your school attendance data - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  • If you would like to start sharing your school attendance data, then please email Wonde at support@wonde.com

The rest of this document limits itself to changed to the Attendance codes

Inactive Codes

 H, Y and J. If any service children require Holidays in term time than schools should use the code C.

The J code has been replaced by a new code J1 and has changed from and Approved Educational Activity to Authorised Absence.

Other new Codes

K Attending education provision arranged by the Local Authority

(its set in place by the LA and not the school)

Q Unable to attend the school because of access arrangements.

(use this code where the LA has failed to arrange transport for the student, Y1 is used if the organised transport is not available)

Y1         Unable to attend due to transport normally provided not being available

Y2         Unable to attend due to widespread disruption to travel

Y3         Unable to attend due to part of the school premises being closed

Y4         Unable to attend due to whole school being closed

Y5         Unable to attend due as pupil is in criminal justice detention

Y6         Absent in accordance with public health guidance or Law

Y7         Unable to attend because of other unavoidable Cause

C           Leave of Absence for exceptional circumstance (Guidance changed for this Code)

C1        Leave of Absence for the purpose of participating in a regulated performance (Or employment paid or unpaid, Continue to use W for Works Experience)

C2        Leave of absence for a compulsory school age pupil subject to a part-time timetable

Codes where schools MUST record nature of activity

B           Attending any other approved educational activity

(Not Sporting Activity OR Works Experience)

Examples of nature of activity

  • 1) Attending taster days at college
  • 2) Attending courses at college
  • 3) Attending unregistered alternative provision arranged by the school

K            Attending education provision arranged by the Local Authority

               (A pupil attending a provision arranged by the school should use the code P or B)

               Examples of natures of provision

  • 1) Attending courses at college
  • 2) Attending unregistered alternative provision such as home tutoring

Y7         Unable to attend because of any other unavoidable cause

               The DfE has not given any examples for the nature of the unavoidable cause

               From the working together document

  1. An unavoidable cause, that is not covered by one of the other ‘unable to attend’ codes detailed above, is preventing the pupil from attending the school.
  2. This code should be used only where something in the nature of an emergency has prevented the pupil from attending the session in question. The unavoidable cause must be something that affects the pupil, not the parent. The fact that a parent has done all they can to secure the attendance of the pupil at school does not, in itself, mean the pupil has been prevented by unavoidable cause.

Please contact us on 0345 222 1551 | Option 3 or email the MIS Service Desk to book your place or if you would like to discuss our training further with us.

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