Blogs & Updates

Good Governance Guide
August 27 2014
The August bank holiday is behind us, the new school year is a matter of days away. With the new academic year comes a new Academies Financial Handbook – effective from 1 September. In this week’...

August Arrives
August 04 2014
A short blog this week – it’s a quiet month for many. Either time to re-charge the batteries or finish those jobs that were put off during the term.
From The EFA
Whilst many of us enjoy ...

Few Things Before You Go
July 23 2014
Whilst many academies and schools have finished, with pupils enjoying the summer weather, there are still a few things for School Business Managers to tidy up before they head off on holiday. In this ...

Breaking Up
July 15 2014
Boys and girls go out to play, the sooner the better the teachers say.
Parents like to have a say and collect the children at the end of the day.
Business manager’s tell the head nay and chase tho...

Tour De Force - Managing Finances
July 11 2014
A short blog this week. With the Tour de France passing through my home town – yes I’m based in sunny Yorkshire! – there has not been too much time for blogging.
As the title to this blog sugge...

Hello July
June 30 2014
I am disappointed that my week away lasted longer than England’s world cup campaign. And like those England supporters who were expecting to manage their cash over several weeks, changes to the timi...

Taking a short break
June 23 2014
Stephen is having a short break so I'm afraid there's no insightful post from him this week. I hope you're not too disappointed, and please be assured that he will be back next week with his pearls o...

One Direction In Accounts Direction
June 09 2014
In the week that One Direction played Wembley Stadium, we got the first chance to look at the Department for Education’s Accounts Direction for 2014.
Whilst it is recommended that the 150 page docu...

Flaming June
June 02 2014
For some the half term break will have provided time to re-charge the batteries before the final sprint finish to the end of the school year - I hope you were one of these. For academies this is also ...

The Heat Is On!
May 21 2014
The warm weather has arrived at last. And no doubt things are warming up in the school office too.
Academies should be well on the way to developing the detail of their 2014/2015 budget, returns requ...