Blogs & Updates

Budget Forecast Return 2024
  April 23 2024
The deadline for this year’s Budget Forecast Return (BFR) is 29th August. Here's our BFR guidance and how SBS can support you.
Streamlining Your School or MAT's Finances: Why does Budgeting Software Beat Spreadsheets?
  March 20 2024
As a CFO in a multi-academy trust or School Business Manager, you understand the intricacies of juggling numerous budgets amidst rising costs and uncertain levels of funding. Optimising financial planning is crucial, and that's where budgeting software can be your game-changer.
Now in force! How to budget for the Teachers Pay Awards
  November 08 2023
The Teachers Pay Award September 2023 has now come into force, as of Friday 3rd November. Here's 5 tips from our Finance & Accounting team.
Top 3 considerations when assessing the impact of rising costs on your school budget
  August 18 2022
Advice from the Finance & Accountancy team at School Business Services on how to manage the impact of rising school energy costs and pay increases.
Make budgeting software work for you
  February 22 2022
Lynne Higginbottom, Bursar, reflects on her professional journey and experience with school budgeting solutions.
Make sure you don’t under-forecast backdated pay awards
  December 14 2021
We all know that pay awards never go through on the dates you expect them to/budget for.
2020 Support and Teachers' Pay Scales
  September 30 2020
This blog refers to SBS Budgets, our budget management software accessed anywhere via SBS Online. The government have confirmed the Support and Teachers' Pay Awards for 2020. Support The Support...
Cost pressures for schools and new Funding Formula
  January 09 2017
In the last few days of the Autumn term two key announcements were made on school funding. The first was a report from the National Audit Office (NAO) on how prepared schools and academies were in re...