Blogs & Updates

SIMS Census Workstation patch & Fileset 1901
  September 09 2021


ESS SIMS are releasing a workstation patch, due for release Tuesday 14th September, which will need to be installed before the Autumn Census (07/10/21).
*UPDATED* Fileset 1706
  January 22 2021


Fileset 1706 is now available The latest Fileset is now available 1706 so hit the download button and unzip the folder. Now open SIMS and go to Tools | Setups | Import and click the yellow folder b...
Latest Spring Census Guidance and Fileset
  January 15 2021


We have just received the latest guidance on the Spring Term 2021 School Census The school census date is Thursday 21st January 2021 with a submission return by Wednesday 17th February 2021. Key P...
Spring Census 2021
  January 13 2021


The DfE has confirmed that the Spring Census 2021 will go ahead as planned Following consultations with schools and their representatives, the DfE has decided to go ahead with the school Census Spr...
Autumn Census in ScholarPack 2020
  September 23 2020


01/10/20 is the Autumn Census day this year (unless stated otherwise by your LA), so let’s make a start, and get ahead of the game! The Autumn Census in ScholarPack will be slightly different thi...
Autumn Census in Arbor 2020
  September 23 2020


01/10/20 is the Autumn Census day this year, with returns to be uploaded by the 28th of October (unless stated otherwise by your LA). The Autumn Census in Arbor will be slightly different this year...
Let's get ready to Census (SIMS)
  September 18 2020


Please note the fileset download and guides have been updated since the original post 01/10/20 is the Autumn Census day this year, so let's make a start, get those dry runs on the go and get ahead o...
Summer Census is cancelled!
  April 21 2020


The DfE have now announced that the summer census is cancelled. It is vital at this time, that all educational settings are able to focus on the impact of COVID-19 by providing for the children in t...
Tasks to be done within SIMS in January
  January 11 2019
This is a reminder for the tasks that need to be undertaken this month within SIMS. The SIMS Yearbook provides a list of suggested tasks that can be carried out during the course of the academic ye...
Migrate your Secure Access account to DfE Sign-in
  January 11 2019


It has been brought to our attention that number of schools are having issues with logging in to DfE secure access. As the site has been migrated to DfE Sign-in you will need to do this before you u...