Blogs & Updates

Let The Games Commence
  February 16 2014
The world cup is underway - who do you predict will win? Brazil, Germany - England as an outside bet? Remember - despite the attractions / distractions in Brazil, there are still some important areas ...
New Way For Academies To Get Protection
  February 10 2014
Update 01/04/20: Since this blog was published updated information has been provided on the Department for Education website April is the start of the traditional financial year for many public se...
February release items
  February 04 2014
Wow - that was a seriously busy month! We had not one, but TWO significant releases of new and improved functionality. Firstly we released 'Charts and Graphs'. On many report pages you will now see a ...
January release items
  February 03 2014
January saw one of our most significant releases since version 11 went live. We completely revamped the staffing contract screen. For some of you this was a long time coming, but we wanted to make sur...
Not one, but TWO releases in May...
  February 03 2014
Our early May release introduced 'contract types' to SBS Online, enabling schools to create multiple types of teacher and support contracts. Assigned to each 'contract type' are settings for weeks per...
SBS Online Monthly News Blog
  January 06 2014
A very Happy New Year to you and your colleagues from the SBS Online team and everyone at School Business Services. We are really excited about what 2014 promises to bring. We have loads of brilliant...
October release items
  November 04 2013
There were two software releases in October, each bringing further improvements to SBS Online. v11.3.4 introduced 'Interactive help': Clicking the help icon beside the title on any screen opens a h...
November release items
  February 02 2013
As promised last month we were working on something a little bit different. 'Analysis Tags' were released in November following a great deal of work by the development team. This offers an innovative,...