Adding a School Closure (Exceptional Circumstance) in SIMS

Posted  6th May 2016

If your school is fully or partially closed to students because it is being used as a Polling Station, DfE advice states that the # code be used.

Code #: Planned whole or partial school closure This code should be used for whole or partial school closures that are known or planned in advance such as: between terms; half terms; occasional days (for example, bank holidays); weekends (where it is required by the management information system); up to five non-educational days to be used for curriculum planning/training; and use of schools as polling stations.

Excerpt from 'School attendance - Departmental advice for maintained schools, academies, independent schools and local authorities', DfE, October 2014

Creating an Exceptional Circumstance in SIMS

  • Select Focus | Attendance (or Lesson Monitor) | Exceptional Circumstances
  • Click the New button to display the Create an Exceptional Circumstance page
  • Enter the dates e.g. from 05/05/2016 AM to 05/05/2016 PM
  • By default the Group Type is displayed as Whole School. If a different group is required, select this from the drop down list and then click on Search to refresh the display.
  • Select the required Attendance code from the drop down list i.e. #
  • Enter the reason in the Description field e.g. School used as Polling Station
  • Highlight the pupils/students e.g. Whole School
  • Click the Apply button; you will see a message confirming that the marks have been applied.
If you require any assistance with this process please call us on 0345 222 1551 • Option 3 or email the SIMS Service Desk.