SBS Budgets update - NJC Support Salary Scales April 2021 and Provisional Teacher Scales 2022/23 & 2023/24
Following on from a previous blog that provided an update on temporary scales and more, the NJC Support Scales for 2021 have now been confirmed.
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Existing users: Guidance is provided below. As ever, if you have any questions about how SBS Budgets could help with these changes please feel free to contact our team on and 0345 222 1551 | Opt 8.
The National Joint Council (NJC) Support Scales for 2021
The latest scales include an uplift of 2.75% on the lowest scale, and a 1.75% increase on all other scales. This is expected to be backdated to April 2021.
These scales can be found here:
The National Joint Council (NJC) Teacher Scales for 2021
The government have also announced a provisional Teacher Scale for September 2022 and September 2023. This has been designed to increase the beginning wage of a teacher to be £30,000 a year and is therefore not flat inflation rate for Teachers on the Main Scale. The upper and leadership scales have been proposed a flat 3% increase for 2022 and a 2% increase on 2023.
For more information on this breakdown, you can find it here -
SBS Budgets Customers:
The scales are now available in SBS Budgets, instructions on how to apply these can be found on your Dashboard.
You can create Budget Comparisons to assess the impact the correct scales have on your budget.
The Provisional Teacher Scales are in SBS Budgets for 2022/23 and 2023/24, instructions on how to apply these can be found on your dashboard.
For assistance on this and any other questions, please contact the Service Desk at or on 0345 222 1551, option 8.
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