SBS Budgets update - Teacher starting salaries increase
Teacher starting salaries to see 8.9% uplift in September this year, reaching £28,000.
Teachers across the country will benefit from pay increases of between 5% and 8.9% from September, as the government has now fully accepted pay recommendations from the independent School Teachers’ Review Body for the next academic year.
We will be publishing the scales in SBS Budgets as soon as they are released so you can assess the impact to your budget and plan the scenarios. We will notify you when they are ready.
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Existing users: Guidance is provided below. As ever, if you have any questions about how SBS Budgets could help with these changes please feel free to contact our team on and 0345 222 1551 | Opt 8.
How and why it's happened
The starting salary scale increase has been on the cards over the last few years. And on 19th July 2022 the news landed of increases between 5% and 8.9%, as the government fully accepted pay recommendations from the independent School Teachers’ Review Body for the next academic year. Last year, more established school teachers received a pay increase from 3% to 5%, but there were rumours of a 13% doing the rounds.The impact to schools
From what we're hearing some schools had budgeted for a 3% increase, and used all reserves to pay for additional teaching & support. The impact to schools could be:
- Less career opportunities
- Ending some fixed term contracts
- Retimetabling, with the possibility that certain subjects are dropped
What can schools do to respond to the impact?
- Get organised, tighten up your budgets
- Talk! Talk and talk openly about the impact on teaching and learning with senior leaders in your school and MAT.
- Explore funding opportunities, as part of sustainable income generation - Justin Smith covered this in a recent #SBSCoffeeClub
SBS Budgets Customers:
As soon as the scales are available in SBS Budgets, we will provide instructions on how to apply these can be found on your Dashboard.
You can create Budget Comparisons to assess the impact the correct scales have on your budget.
For assistance on this and any other questions, please contact the Service Desk at or on 0345 222 1551, option 8.
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