Remember, remember. . .
Posted 2nd November 2015

Get ready for the school workforce census on 5th November. Also reminders about the PE Grant, Condition Improvement Fund and other items from the EFA planner.
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November Diary
- School workforce census day is 5 November. Academies are required to complete and submit the school workforce census by 5 December. SBS can support all schools with the completion of the census - click here for details.
- Academies to submit their Financial Management and Governance Self-assessment to EFA within 4 months of opening - click here for details.
PE & Sport Premium Funding
Details of the funding primary schools will receive have been published – click here for details. The EFA will pay local authorities their first instalment (seven-twelfths) of the allocation on 29 October, with the remainder in April 2016. For academies the first instalment will be paid on 2 November with the balance in May 2016. Schools teaching pupils in years 1 to 6 for the first time this academic year will have funding based on the autumn 2015 census data, with payments in February 2016 and May 2016. The EFA have revised the grant conditions this year.The most significant changes include:
- ways in which the premium should not be spent
- website reporting requirements
Condition Improvement Fund
The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) is additional capital funding that academies and sixth-form colleges can apply for each year. CIF’s core priority is supporting condition projects. Keeping academy and sixth-form college buildings safe and in good working order is a key priority. Most CIF funding aims to address issues with significant consequences that revenue or Devolved Formula Capital (DFC) funding cannot meet. These include issues with poor building condition, building compliance, energy efficiency and health and safety. The application portal is now open. Eligible single academy trusts, smaller multi-academy trusts and sixth-form colleges have until 16 December to submit an application for capital funding to address significant building condition issues. Click here for further details.Academies Handbook Reminder
The new handbook came into force on 1 September – there were a number of changes to the requirements. Has your academy trust made changes to comply with the new handbook?- Governance Structure – You must now publish on your websites readily accessible and up to date details of governance arrangements, including structure and remit of boards and committees.
Details of members, trustees and governing body members should include:
- Full name
- How appointed & terms of office (trustees & governors)
- Attendance records
- Date of appointment & resignation
- Business & pecuniary interests
- Register of Interests – In addition to the interests of members, trustees and governors, new requirements extend the register to identify any material interest arising from a close family relationship.
- Budget Monitoring – The handbook requires the preparation of monthly budget monitoring reports for the board and governors. Many trusts also prepare detailed management accounts to ensure they meet the needs of the handbook and Companies Act.
- Audit Committee – A separate committee is now required when the income threshold exceeds £50million (previously £10million)
- SORP 2005 – Whilst for most academies the 2014/2015 will be the last accounts prepared under SORP 2005, don’t forget to include:
- Review of governance arrangements during the year (was this on the agenda and minuted at one of your meetings?).
- Value for money is now part of the trustees report; you should describe how educational and other outcomes have improved use of the public resources provided in the year.
- Trustee remuneration disclosures should include pension contributions
- Non-contractual severance payments should be on an individual basis regardless of value.
- Finally, are you prepared for the Annual Accounts Return? - The EFA have provided a series of videos that it asks all involved to view.
- Academies Financial Handbook - Click here
- Annual Accounts Return - Click here
- EFA Videos - Click here