Downloading & Importing KS2 test results

Posted  9th July 2018

How to download & import KS2 test results from the NCA Tools Website

Downloading the result file in CTF format read

  1. Login to the NCS tools Website Click here with the credentials supplied to the school
  2. Select 'Pupil Results'
  3. Download Key Stage 2 Results
  4. Select Combined file containing all subjects
  5. File Format select CTF
  6. Click on 'Download' depending on the browser you are using, you may be asked to specify a location for the file or it may save to your regular Downloads folder.
In either event the file will be named in the format xxxyyyy_KS2_xxxyyyy_01.xml (where xxxyyyy is your school’s DfE number) and you should note its location. Please note: If the selected folder already contains a file with this name for example last year’s download your system will automatically rename the file by adding (1) to the end of the filename. This will prevent the file from importing in to SIMS. To correct this, edit the filename by removing the (1) and replacing the number 01 with 02 (xxxyyyy_KS2_xxxyyyy_02.xml)

Importing the results to SIMS

  1. In SIMS select 'Routines/Data In/CTF/Import CTF/Add KS2 for Existing Pupils Only'
  2. ks2-data-ss-
  3. Remove all ticks except Assessment Data in Section 1 Data to be Imported
  4. Click on the browse folder icon in Section 2 Import selection navigate to where you know you have stored for file if the file does not appear it is likely not in that location of you have a problem with the filename please see the note above.
  5. In Place new pupils in select On–Roll
  6. Leave the effective date as today’s date
  7. Select 'Import CTF'
When your import is complete you will see the same number of pupils in file to pupils processed.

Viewing the Imported Data

  1. Open the Key Stage 2 Wizard for 2018 (Tools\Performance\Assessment\Wizard Manager) and click through to the Marksheets page.
  2. Click to select Marksheet C – Test Outcomes and click the pencil to open
  3. The imported raw and standardised scores and grades will be displayed

As an alternative you can select Marksheet D Broadsheet for a view of all KS2 – note that this data can be analysed on the marksheet or exported to Excel by clicking the Export button on the marksheet.