SIMS School Workforce Census 2020
Posted 21st October 2020
This blog has been updated with the latest fileset.
October and we're using the "C" word again.
No it's not Christmas! (not yet)'s another census, but this time it's the School Workforce Census happening in a school near you on 05/11/20. So first things first, how are your Pay Scales looking? Let's get those updated to the latest figures through Tools | Staff | Pay Related. Make sure the latest figures are in for NJC/Support staff from April and the new Teacher pay scales from September. In order to reduce burdens on schools at this difficult time, the DfE will be removing the following data from the return file on upload to COLLECT. The DfE will also modify its school validation and summary report to exclude any reference to this data:- The absence module
- The qualifications module
- The third party support staff module
- The ‘vacancy subject’ and ‘vacancy tenure’ fields
- The ‘date of last pay review’ field
Fileset 1607!
Below is the long awaited fileset 1607, which amongst other things fixes query 4100Q so that it no longer triggers for a missing teacher number for a non-teacher. Fileset_Latest_for_1600_Series Remote Services page for more detail on this and the other remote services we have available. Contact our SIMS Service Desk on 0345 222 1551 • option 3 or email to discuss this further or to book a service.See our full MIS support