New release for the new term!

Posted  22nd September 2015

We’ve released a new update to SBS Online with a range of features:


The majority of pages in the software are now exportable. The export to Excel option at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen has been removed and added as an option via the grey button in the top-right of the screen. Click on the export button to show a drop-down menu which gives you the option to download to either PDF, printable or Excel. Note that if an export format is not supported in any particular page, it will not be shown. Additionally, there is now an option to have a custom report title, this is found in the edit budget screen under ‘Report Description’ this drives the detail on the PDF cover pages.

The following screens are newly exportable to PDF which we hope users will find particularly useful:

  • Staff by year
  • Staff by year charts
  • Revenue report charts
  • Salary monitor
  • Budget overview
  • Budget monitor charts

The release also contains the following enhancements:

Tags feed from parent planners

Trusts can now input tags into their parent planners and these will automatically become available for use in their child schools. Analysis tag reports can now be run at the parent level to see figures across all planners.

Signatory lines on reports & salary statements

It is now optional to have a signatory line on some reports (Summary, Revenue, Capital/Fixed Asset, Extended/Traded, Salary monitor and Budget monitor). Edit the school details and input a report signatory name and/or group and these will appear on the above reports. In addition, these settings will affect the wording of the ‘For an on behalf of…’ line on the salary statements and the description of the signature line.

Hide fixed budget column on Budget monitor

We have introduced an option to toggle the Fixed budget column in the Budget monitor. Go to ‘Settings > Budgets’, edit your budget and scroll down to the additional settings. Untick the box to hide the Fixed budget column. Note that it is ticked by default. If you do hide this column, you will no longer need to upload fixed budget figures into the monthly budget monitor.

Search returns results for ‘Create users’ accounts

Users with the ‘Create users’ ability can now search within their planner(s) for the users that have access. The search area is in the top-right of all screens.

Actuals or actuals plus commitments option on budget monitor

In the additional settings in the edit budget screen you can now toggle the total % behaviour in the budget monitor. Using the drop-down menu users can now choose between showing actuals or actuals plus commitments. By default, the setting is ‘Actuals + Commitments’, but if you select ‘Actuals’, the ‘Total %’ column will show actuals only as a percentage of the total. These are the high level items included in this release, there are a number of other smaller items to further enhance the software and your experience as a valued customer. Any questions please don’t hesitate to the Service Desk on 0345 222 1551option 2.