The latest update to SBS Online contains some improvements to parent planners of Multi-school trusts, new rounding options and a new set of tooltips on parent planners.
Trust Schools
In the
'Multi-school' module, under
'Trust schools', users will be able to see the name of the published budget for each school. Parent planners will now be able to show an export of all schools and their published budgets.
Rounding options
Previously under
'Budget settings', users were able to round values to the closest pound, there is a now a drop down menu in which users can select the rounding they require whether it is to thousands or millions.
Parent Planner dashboard
The dashboard shows any child school’s published budgets that is different to the main parent budget settings. We have added a tooltip that when hovered over, gives the reason behind the difference such as different teacher scales or maternity table.
Please get in touch via the Service Desk on
0345 222 1551 • Option 8 if you have any queries.