School budget setting process
Posted 29th April 2016
How was it for you?
School budget setting process 2016-17
We are keen to hear about how you found your school budget setting process this year. With many schools submitting their budget in early May and numerous changes recently, this is a key time to review and evaluate your procedures.Tell us:
- How smooth was it this year?
- What was different, in terms of process, to previous years?
- How easy was it to manage differences between NFF and local formulas?
- Were changes in staffing and National Insurance contributions easy to plan?
- What is your strategy for surplus or deficit in your budget?
- How did you budget for support staff costs with announcements still pending?
- Have you budgeted for future academisation costs?
- What new areas of income have you uncovered?
- What will you do differently next year?
- Now you can focus on budget and salary monitoring, what is your plan to stay on track?