The SIMS Autumn Release is available now
Posted 9th November 2016

If you are a school for whom we run the upgrade, we will be contacting you to arrange a convenient date.
Important Information regarding this release
School Census – this release will remove the Autumn pupil census functionality, therefore you should ensure that your Census has been authorised and successfully submitted prior to the upgrade being applied. NB. The School Workforce Census 2016 will continue to be available after this upgrade. Ethnicity Data Source - as part of the SIMS 2016 Autumn Release, the following values have been made inactive in the Ethnic Data Source lookup table and are therefore no longer available for selection:- Ascribed by the current school
- Ascribed by the previous school
- Other
Autumn release highlights
Persistent Absent Report – Student Threshold This report is now based on a possible number of sessions for each pupil or student, rather than being based on a standardised number of sessions within school. As per DfE requirements, the report allows you to report on varying groups for specified data ranges and also allows you to change the DfE’s persistent absence threshold of 10% if required.Programme of Study enhancements
Primary and Secondary schools will now have the ability to customise the default grades, colours and grade descriptions being used. Also, secondary schools will be able to define their own Programme of Study at Key Stage 4, as Years 10 and 11 are now being included in this area. Once SIMS has been upgraded in your school you can check out all the changes and new features in detail by clicking the Documentation button on the Home page then selecting Latest Release information. If you know when you would like the upgrade run for your school, please contact our MIS Service Desk on 0345 222 1551 • Option 3 as soon as possible so that we can book it in. If you prefer, you can email us at with details of your preferred date(s).