Blogs & Updates

Research, collaborate, streamline
  November 24 2015
The focus of the current government is to reduce the UK’s budget deficit – and whilst the government is currently committed to safeguarding existing school budgets, there will undoubtedly be dif...
Remember, remember. . .
  November 02 2015
Get ready for the school workforce census on 5th November. Also reminders about the PE Grant, Condition Improvement Fund and other items from the EFA planner. If you need any support please call 03...
Managing HR in Schools
  October 07 2015
Is there a recruitment crisis in schools, and can we help? Managing HR in Schools Over the summer Nicky Morgan talked about the crisis in recruitment of teachers in schools. Whilst she and the unions...
October - What to look out for
  October 01 2015
We start October with a look at the deadlines facing schools this month and the support available. With the party conference season upon us – what should your PEST consider? From The Planner What c...
School & Academy Shorts
  September 21 2015
School & Academy Shorts The DfE has released guidance on the PE & Sports Premium received by primary schools. The notes explain how much will be received and how schools might choose to spend...
Happy New Year
  September 04 2015
The new school year has started. I’m sure that as well as re-kindling some old acquaintances all schools will be welcoming new colleagues, new pupils and new parents. Many new academies will have a...
Sizzling Summer Reads
  August 03 2015
Whether you are sat on a sunny Spanish beach or camped in a cool Clacton cove, we look at some of the 'best sellers' for finance staff this August Academies Financial Handbook The latest edition come...
July Budget, Coasting Schools and Teachers Pay
  July 13 2015
As another school year draws to a close, we consider the announcements made by the new government and how they might impact on schools and academies next year. July Budget There were no new announceme...
One Stop For Latest Finance News
  July 06 2015
A new place for the latest news. Regular readers of the SBS Finance Blog will have noticed that the blog is now available within the main School Business Services website. We will continue to provide ...
Flaming June
  June 12 2015
After what was undoubtedly a chilly May, let’s hope for a fine June. There are all those sports days, picnics, and summer fetes that need to take place on time or chaos will ensue. Now that we know ...