Blogs & Updates

News from the Budget
  March 20 2015
2015 Budget Our friends at PW Payroll Solutions have produced an analysis of the 2015 Budget. See I have picked out a few items from...
Top Tips On Fund Raising
  March 18 2015
Bid writing is a huge part of any business role. Glyn Marsh, Senior Financial Consultant with School Business Services, recently gives his top ten tips for School Business Managers. Any Bid Is Like A...
It’s A Risky Business – But You Can Manage It
  March 12 2015
This week it’s not deadlines we draw your attention to but some of the bigger questions about the risks schools face and whether you are in a position to respond to these. Budget Forecasts Schools...
In Recent News
  February 27 2015
  We end February with items from the EFA Planner and a couple of announcements made by the EFA shortly before the half term break – just in case you missed them. The EFA are also expected to...
Guest blog post from PW Payroll Solutions
  February 25 2015
Start planning now for pensions auto enrolment All employers should start planning now for new workplace pension duties as they roll out to medium and small businesses over the coming months. This le...
National Insurance Changes in 2016 - You can't wait!
  February 23 2015
The blog this week focuses on changes to National Insurance in 2016 – while this is some time off, these changes will impact upon all schools significantly. The Department for Work and Pensions has...
Are you ready for May 8th 2015?
  February 12 2015
May the 8th is the day after the next election, when we will know in general terms how education will be funded for the next 5 years. Have you updated your SWOT & PEST to take account of a range o...
Academy Trusts Spend £26m On Audit Fees
  February 02 2015
In recent blogs we have reminded you about deadlines for the submission of Audited Accounts, Value for Money Statements and the Annual Accounts Return. On the 20 January the EFA’s own accounts to 31...
Terrorism, Elections and School Finance
  January 19 2015
Whilst there are some important deadlines for schools, recent events require schools to consider their place within the wider community. Proposals and arguments will rage in this pre-election period, ...
Welcome to 2015
  January 06 2015
Out with the old and in with the new - welcome to 2015. For many academies the period around the year-end is the busiest period for School Business Managers, so we hope Christmas was all you wished fo...