Blogs & Updates

Have you updated your Additional Staffing allowances?
  November 24 2015
Here at SBS HQ we are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction. As part of this we make it our responsibility to perform random spot checks on planners every now and again. If and when we see anyt...
SBS Online Release: Improved Excel Exports
  October 29 2015
Our latest release contains three significant enhancements plus a couple of minor bug fixes. Excel Exports Both this and the previous release have standardised and improved the process for exporting...
Update: September 2015 Teacher Pay Scales
  October 21 2015
Due to popular demand, we have created a third teacher pay scale table for you to choose and apply in your budget settings, named 'Teacher Scales – Sept 2015 (C)'. This table features a standard 1% ...
New release for the new term!
  September 22 2015
We’ve released a new update to SBS Online with a range of features: Exporting The majority of pages in the software are now exportable. The export to Excel option at the bottom left-hand corner...
SBS Online update! KPIs & Analysis Tags
  August 06 2015
Hope you are enjoying some hard-earned time off over the summer! We've released a new SBS Online update. It contains a range improvements with the two major features being Key Performance Indicators...
SBS Online Webinar 8th July 2015
  July 09 2015
We held our first SBS Online webinar on Wednesday 8th July. It gave users a tour of the features of the new release. Missed it? No problem. Here's a recording of the webinar so that you can watch it a...
New Teacher Scales for September 2015
  July 08 2015
Following the announcement of the new pay scales for teachers from September 2015, we have created two new tables for you to choose between and apply in your budget settings: Teacher Scales – Sept...
Welcome and new SBS Online update
  July 01 2015
Thanks for visiting the new SBS Online blog. This is where all of the latest news, tips and guidance will be posted. You can also read all of the previous ‘Latest news’ items from the SBS Online d...
Latest News
  May 15 2015
Since our allowances update was added to SBS Online in April, we have been hard at work developing and testing another comprehensive update to the software. This new release will include several grea...
SBS Online Allowances update
  April 09 2015
What is in the new Allowances update? Future Values for Allowances You will now be able to specify what allowances will be worth at any given effective date in your planner. This negates the need t...