Blogs & Updates

SIMS Training Courses from SBS in April
  March 21 2019


What's coming up in April? Take a look at April's SIMS Training Courses to see if anything catches your eye! Below are our upcoming SIMS Training Courses and dates: 24th April 2019 SIMS System Man...
NEW Data Management Forum for Secondary Schools
  March 19 2019


NEW Data Management Forum for Secondary Schools Did you know about our Data Management Forums? These sessions are a great way of networking and being able to speak to other schools to see how they de...
Email security update for schools
  February 07 2019
It has been brought to our attention that we have had a couple of instances where a rule has been set up within Microsoft Outlook email client to forward all emails to a different email address. We...
Complimentary SIMS Overview - Wednesday 1st May 2019
  February 06 2019


This event is an opportunity for Primary schools to visit our London venue to find out more about the latest benefits of SIMS. Did you know about our SIMS Overview Sessions? Following on from the suc...
Do you want to support PDSA by teaching your class how to be responsible pet owners?
  January 29 2019


Are your pupils passionate about pets? Well, why not support PDSA and sign up to their new free award programme, PetWise School Award? ...
New Census Fileset 1102 for Spring Census 2019
  January 09 2019


As notified in the previous blog we have been waiting for a new census fileset which has just been released. This fileset provides the following changes compared to Fileset 1100 and is now available...
School census 2018 to 2019
  January 09 2019


Please note: It's been brought to our attention that a previous blog regarding the School census 2018-2019 has encountered some technical issues, so this is a repaet blog post. The DfE has decide...
SIMS Spring Census guidance 2019
  January 08 2019


The SIMS Spring Census will be on Thursday 17th January 2019 Happy New Year from us at SBS and apologies for being the bearer of bad news, it’s the Spring School Census next week and to get you go...
Catholic Education Service (CES) Census 2019
  January 08 2019


For some of you there are two Census’s to complete, the CES Census is the extra one. Please see below a link to a Completing the Census guide, along with a couple of bits taken from it to get you o...
School census 2018 to 2019
  December 04 2018


The DfE has decided that there is no longer a requirement to collect three items in future census’s and these are Proficiency in English, Pupil Country of Birth and Pupil Nationality. Therefore un...