Blogs & Updates

Interim Finance and SBM support for schools and MATs
  July 12 2024
We wanted to make our Finance & Accountancy blog subscribers aware of the support we offer to schools and MATs requiring finance expertise on an interim basis.
Your Summary Notes: CFO & COO INSIDER - Laying a Foundation for Growth
  March 18 2024
On February 29th we delivered the latest CFO & COO INSIDER - a live, regular discussion about the trust finance topics that matter most.
Now in force! How to budget for the Teachers Pay Awards
  November 08 2023
The Teachers Pay Award September 2023 has now come into force, as of Friday 3rd November. Here's 5 tips from our Finance & Accounting team.
Make sure you don’t under-forecast backdated pay awards
  December 14 2021
We all know that pay awards never go through on the dates you expect them to/budget for.
MAT Centralisation under the spotlight
  November 16 2021
This article provides news and insight on MAT centralisation. SBS' experience with MAT operations has delivered some findings which you may find useful.
Wednesday budgeting webinars - June 2021
  May 20 2021
We are delivering a series of free webinars focusing on budgeting
Budget Monitoring
  October 20 2020
A detailed budget plan, with several alternative scenarios based on inevitable twists and turns through the year, is essential to any school. However, all the best laid plans become ineffective if ...
2020 Support and Teachers' Pay Scales
  September 30 2020
This blog refers to SBS Budgets, our budget management software accessed anywhere via SBS Online. The government have confirmed the Support and Teachers' Pay Awards for 2020. Support The Support...
SBS Online has a new look!
  May 14 2018
After much discussion, designing, testing and long nights, the SBS Online team is happy to present the new and improved budget management software. Thankyou to our schools for their kind words whils...
SBS Online Redesign Blog Series – Budget Settings
  April 27 2018
This is the Fourteenth installment of our SBS Online Redesign Blog Series. This series of blogs has been created to ensure that schools are familiar with the software redesign before it is released...