Blogs & Updates

GuestBlog: Assessment Manager - Top Tips for Senior Leaders
  February 15 2018


We are delighted to present guest author David Pott who has been working with schools and local authorities since 1987 and is well known for his expertise in SIMS Assessment Manager. David is...
GDPR - Don't panic!
  February 08 2018


With a raft of companies and people throwing scare tactics at you about the upcoming GDPR, SIMS is now able to help you take some of the worry away. In relation to SIMS there are 4 key areas that ar...
SIMS Basics Webinar
  January 09 2018


We're excited to be beginning 2018 with a SIMS Basics Webinar this Spring Term! If you’ve wanted to attend one of our SIMS Basics courses before but haven’t been able to get to our training ven...
More information about our Exams Officer training
  November 23 2017


A reminder about our Exams Officer training which is just a few weeks away! Please share this blog with school staff or contacts who may be interested. Booking information Date: Monday 4th Decem...
School Workforce Census Autumn 2017
  October 27 2017


With November rapidly approaching and the half term break finishing it’s time to start looking forward to the School Workforce Census Autumn 2017. Here you are going to find the how to guides, and...
Exams Officer training delivered by Paula Wood
  October 16 2017


Introducing Paula Wood - Senior MIS Consultant We are excited to announce that Paula Wood has recently joined the SBS MIS team. Paula has an outstanding national reputation amongst Examinations Of...
Importing Updated Exams Results
  October 04 2017


At this time of the year you may be getting in some updated results and wondering how to get these into SIMS and Exams Organiser. To add a new result that was not imported through a result file you...
SIMS Autumn Census guidance
  September 19 2017


The SIMS Autumn Census will be on Thursday 5th October 2017 With October coming around fast it’s time again for that joyous thing that is the October School Census. To help with carrying it out we
SIMS Summer Release
  June 29 2017


The SIMS Summer Release is due for release on Friday 30th June 2017 and includes several enhancements and new areas of functionality New features and updates include the introduction of EYFS in th...
SIMS Patch to update Performance Indicators
  June 16 2017


Following feedback from SIMS users, Capita have released a patch (number 23087) designed to help address some concerns raised regarding the accurate updating of performance indicators. The patch wil...