Blogs & Updates

Support staff pay scales 2016 - latest news
  May 05 2016
Just a quick update with regards to the support staff pay scales for 2016. You may well be aware of this, but for those of you who are not, we hope that this proves useful. In March, two of the recogn...
Are you ready for the SIMS upgrade?
  March 23 2016


As many of you will already know, the SIMS Spring release is now available. Not only does this include many enhancements to SIMS, it also includes the latest release of FMS, which features changes t...
Consultation - National Funding Formula
  March 08 2016
In the Autumn Statement the chancellor advised that there would be a consultation programme looking at a National Funding Formula for schools and academies. The Department for Education announced on...
February Blues
  February 22 2016
It's a strange February this year - half term came much earlier. There's lots to do but so few days in the month. As we prepare to leap into the last month of the fiscal year we look at where you mi...
National Insurance Rates 2016/2017
  January 21 2016


The new National Insurance table is now available and needs to be entered in to SIMS Personnel. The following table displays the new rates: Band Upper Monthly Earnings Limit Lower Monthly Earnin...
SBS Online releases new Support Salary Scales for 2016 & 2017
  January 21 2016
A number of our customers have been requesting we look into the pending April Support salary scales. Although yet to be finalised we understand you need to get to grips with your budget as soon as p...
Remember, remember. . .
  November 02 2015
Get ready for the school workforce census on 5th November. Also reminders about the PE Grant, Condition Improvement Fund and other items from the EFA planner. If you need any support please call 03...
Happy New Year
  September 04 2015
The new school year has started. I’m sure that as well as re-kindling some old acquaintances all schools will be welcoming new colleagues, new pupils and new parents. Many new academies will have a...
Sizzling Summer Reads
  August 03 2015
Whether you are sat on a sunny Spanish beach or camped in a cool Clacton cove, we look at some of the 'best sellers' for finance staff this August Academies Financial Handbook The latest edition come...
Pupil Premium Information
  July 24 2015


Financial Year 2015-16 Calculation Spreadsheet – this file allows you to copy and paste the DfE CSV file and this will then calculate the amounts of Pupil Premium for the school. Download the fil...