Blogs & Updates

SBS Online Update - In-Year Balances plus more
  July 14 2017
The latest SBS Online update contains a new in-year row balance for several reports, maximum scales for teacher contracts, and improvements to Excel exports and other commitments in the Budget Monito...
Dear Accounting Officer - Land and Buildings Collection Tool
  July 05 2017
Peter Lauener, Chief Executive of the ESFA, has written to all academy accounting officers and chief finance officers setting out a timetable for reports over the next 13 months. Peter states in his ...
SIMS Summer Release
  June 29 2017


The SIMS Summer Release is due for release on Friday 30th June 2017 and includes several enhancements and new areas of functionality New features and updates include the introduction of EYFS in th...
Introducing Schools Broadband
  June 28 2017


We are proud to announce our partnership with Schools Broadband to provide a comprehensive internet service for schools. The solution could not only provide significant savings, but includes key we...
Annual Budget Forecast 2017
  June 19 2017
The ESFA has published details relating to the annual budget forecast, which must be completed by 28 July. We also share with you some information relating to employer pension schemes. Justine Greeni...
SIMS Patch to update Performance Indicators
  June 16 2017


Following feedback from SIMS users, Capita have released a patch (number 23087) designed to help address some concerns raised regarding the accurate updating of performance indicators. The patch wil...
New Profile Report & Other Improvements
  June 09 2017
The latest update to SBS Online contains a new Profile Report with a Multi-School version, a Budget Upload and a range of improvements and bug fixes. Profile Report The new Profile Report can be fou...
SIMS End of Year Procedures
  June 06 2017


The final half term of the academic year means it's time to prepare for and carry out the SIMS end of year procedures, including creating a new academic year, setting up next year’s registratio...
Intermediaries Legislation (IR35)
  May 24 2017
Changes to Intermediaries Legislation (IR35) and what this means for your school HMRC have recently announced changes to the Intermediaries Legislation (IR35) and all public-sector employers are resp...
Advice for schools on the Ransomware crisis
  May 15 2017


Following the recent NHS Ransomware crisis, as well as many other organisations being impacted, we feel it is important to send out an update on this subject. As covered in our previous blogs, ther...