Blogs & Updates

SIMS Pay is changing!
  July 20 2021


SIMS Pay is changing names - its new name is Pay360 Education Payments
Why do I need Power BI?
  July 09 2021


SIMS is great at storing all of your pupil and staff data. What it isn’t so good at is making that information easy to get at outside of school hours or turning that information in to knowledge about how your school is performing.
MIS Phone Options
  June 25 2021


As we are now an accredited support unit for several different Management Information Systems software suppliers we have made a couple of changes to our IVR (Interactive Voice response) telephone system.
Vital new service to protect your data - Enabling Encryption on Microsoft SQL Server
  June 22 2021


It has recently been reported in the news that two schools were forced to close after hackers accessed their servers, stole data and...
Remote training - Preparing SIMS for Summer 2021 Results Day
  June 16 2021


SBS has created a remotely delivered training course to help schools prepare SIMS for results day and report efficiently and effectively. This course, delivered remotely on Wednesday 14th July 2021, ...
SIMS End of Year Procedures for 2020/21
  June 15 2021


Who’s on the countdown until the Summer Holidays? You all deserve a well-earned break after yet another very different year….but just before you pop off there’s a few little bits we need to get done so you’re all ready for September.
Updates to (SIMS) SOLUS3 and URLs
  May 28 2021


Following on from the change to the new SOLUS3 Package Server URL, ESS would like to inform you of another required change that forms part of the separation from Capita.
New Remote Service - SIMS UK GDPR Housekeeping
  May 12 2021


We are now offering a NEW Remote Service - SIMS UK GDPR Housekeeping Here at School Business Services we know only too well that the burden on school staff is increasing and deadlines continue to com...
New Remote Service - Primary Managed Assessment Service
  May 10 2021


This service provides you with everything that you need to track pupil progress in your primary school.
MIS Remote Services 2021
  May 05 2021


Our remote services are designed so that our experienced team can carry out the processes for you, leaving your staff free to focus on other things.