Blogs & Updates

The SIMS Web Address file has been updated
  May 25 2016


The SIMS Web Address Validation (WAV) Service allows schools to validate addresses in SIMS by accessing a Capita maintained database over the Internet. The database, which contains the details of ap...
Education for All
  May 25 2016
“A Bill will be brought forward to lay foundations for educational excellence in all schools, giving every child the best start in life. There will also be a fairer balance between schools, through...
Winner of our SIMS Accreditation Survey
  May 19 2016


Firstly, a big thank you to all schools who participated in our SIMS Accreditation Survey. We are delighted to have achieved our accreditation and are very touched by the feedback. How does a SIMS ...
  May 16 2016
Every school, academy and college wants to get better. This week we look at research that might help you. Research, Collaborate, Streamline – revisited. In an earlier blog we discussed what steps ...
Not ready for the School Census next week? We can help.
  May 12 2016


With just a week left until the Summer Census, we are busy arranging remote Census sessions: a great way of making the most of your SLA visit time. It isn't too late for you to book - you can cal...
Adding a School Closure (Exceptional Circumstance) in SIMS
  May 06 2016


If your school is fully or partially closed to students because it is being used as a Polling Station, DfE advice states that the # code be used. Code #: Planned whole or partial school closure ...
SIMS Remote Services - maximising efficiency
  May 05 2016


Summer Census, Autumn Census, School Workforce Census, Spring Census…long gone are the days when school office staff could find some ‘quiet time’ to catch up on things. Here at School Business...
Support staff pay scales 2016 - latest news
  May 05 2016
Just a quick update with regards to the support staff pay scales for 2016. You may well be aware of this, but for those of you who are not, we hope that this proves useful. In March, two of the recogn...
Changing role of the SBM
  May 04 2016
A bumper finance and business post will be published next week. In the meantime, here's something we thought you might like to read. Changing role of the SBM We wanted to share this really interes...
School Census - Fileset 302
  May 03 2016


A new Fileset (302) has been made available by Capita for the Summer Census. It contains updates to both the summary report and validation files. Downloading and Applying a Fileset Please check tha...