Blogs & Updates

SIMS & FMS Spring Release 2022 - Annual Entitlement Keys
  March 25 2022
The upcoming SIMS & FMS Spring 2022 Release (SIMS Version 7.204) will include an Annual Entitlement check built into the SIMS & FMS Applications.
View My Financial Insights (VMFI) tool
  March 11 2022
We wanted to make our Finance & Accountancy blog subscribers aware of the View My Financial Insights (VMFI) tool
The BFRO goes, the BFR & BFR3Y are in July
  February 01 2022
We wanted to make our Finance & Accountancy blog subscribers aware of a change for statutory academy returns.
Here comes the SRMSAT!
  January 31 2022
Just 6 weeks away, the SRMSAT deadline sits in mid-March with spring arriving and the summer term looming.
Resource available from the DfE - Learn more about school funding
  November 22 2021
We wanted to make our Finance & Accountancy blog subscribers aware of some useful information available from the DfE's Education Hub blog.
Some ESFA updates to be aware of - RFDC, apprenticeship levy, recruitment...
  October 05 2021
We wanted to make our Finance & Accountancy blog subscribers aware of the new information available from the ESFA.
Some DfE updates to be aware of - additional funding for your school
  September 24 2021
We wanted to make our Finance & Accountancy blog subscribers aware of the new information available from about additional funding for your school.
Now open for submissions! Budget Forecast Return Outturn (BFRO) and BFR3Year return
  June 22 2021
Academy trusts are required to submit their Budget Forecast Return Outturn (BFRO) to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
Academies Accounts Return
  April 21 2021
A small update to make you aware of concerning the academies accounts return.
SRMSAT Hints & Tips
  March 31 2021
With School Resource Management Self-Assessment Tool (SRMSAT) deadline coming up on 15th April, we wanted to give some hints and tips for the submission that may come in handy.