Blogs & Updates

Try before you buy - Online training for schools
  June 27 2019


Manage and demonstrate statutory training and policy compliance. Try before you buy with a free single use trial of TrainingSchoolz online training for schools. We believe it's important that schools...
Important: Spam emails
  June 24 2019
.enforcedisplay { display: block!important; } We are seeing an increasing number of spam emails slip through the spam filtering net into users' inboxes. Typically these spam emails come from use...
SIMS End of Year Procedures 2019
  June 19 2019


This blog covers the SIMS End of Year Procedures for the end of 2018/19 – it's the final stretch! I know all of you have started dreaming about the summer holidays, although hopefully by that tim...
End of Key Stage Processes 2019
  June 07 2019


The End of Key Stage is an important submission in Capita SIMS at a busy time of the year. This time last year I was talking about the beautiful sunshine and getting your BBQs out, this year the sun...
Urgent action required for Capita SIMS Pay
  June 05 2019


Action required by June 30th for Capita SIMS Pay customers Capita have provided an urgent message for all Capita SIMS Pay customers. Please read the below if you use this product as it will have a ...
June SIMS Training Courses from SBS
  June 03 2019


Take a refresher this Summer! Take a look at the June SIMS Training Courses from SBS and see what we have to offer! Our SIMS training courses are ideal for maximising the use of your system, traini...
Prior Attainment Banding (Advice from ASCL)
  May 23 2019


In the absence of official guidance from the DfE around the Prior Attainment Banding information for cohorts with scaled scores, ASCL have provided a suggested course of action. Download PDF → P...
New Census Fileset 1203 for Summer Census 2019
  May 14 2019


Capita have now made available the final version of the Census fileset for the summer Census 2019. We are not expecting there to be another one released before the census. As usual, please ensure th...
May SIMS Training Courses from SBS
  April 30 2019


Fancy brushing up on your skills this term? Take a look at the May SIMS Training Courses from SBS! Our SIMS training courses are ideal for maximising the use of your system, training your team or t...
SIMS Summer Census 2019 guidance
  April 26 2019


The SIMS Summer Census will be on Thursday 16th May this year. Congratulations, you’ve survived 2 of them, and only one more to go for this academic year. The final census of the year is tradition...