Blogs & Updates

Gender pay gap reporting webinar
  January 13 2017
Gender pay gap reporting webinar We uncovered a useful webinar on gender pay gap reporting by XpertHR which might be of interest to a number of academies and independent schools. The aim of the webi...
New Update and Happy New Year!
  January 13 2017
Happy New Year to all of our customers and best wishes for 2017! The latest SBS Online update contains improvements to Staff Contracts, National Insurance calculations, multi-school KPIs, the default...
Tidy up time
  January 12 2017


Although Census time allows schools to update a lot of information held in SIMS, the same old data issues often persist (contacts not showing correctly, no little houses, names in upper and lower ca...
Ransomware latest - Schools targetted by fraudulent calls
  January 10 2017


According to the police, "fraudsters are posing as government officials in order to trick people into installing ransomware which encrypts files on victims’ computers." Further to our previous adv...
Cost pressures for schools and new Funding Formula
  January 09 2017
In the last few days of the Autumn term two key announcements were made on school funding. The first was a report from the National Audit Office (NAO) on how prepared schools and academies were in re...
Spring Census - Fileset 502
  January 03 2017


A new Fileset (502) has been made available by Capita for the Spring Census. It contains updates to both the summary report and validation files. Downloading and Applying a Fileset Please check tha...
Latest advice for schools on ransomware
  December 19 2016


Ransomware is an aggressive form of computer virus that targets your server, encrypts files and then demands a ransom for their release. The technology driving ransomware - such as the CryptoLocker ...
Workplace issues this Christmas
  December 14 2016
Workplace issues this Christmas With Christmas just round the corner employers need to prepare for some familiar workplace issues, whether its unauthorised absence over the Christmas period or bad ...
SIMS for Safeguarding
  December 02 2016


With Ofsted placing greater emphasis on safeguarding than ever before, it is essential that staff in schools are aware of their responsibilities and have confidence in the monitoring systems that are...
A Guide to the Apprenticeship Levy
  November 30 2016
The Apprenticeship Levy is a new government initiative announced in the 2015 Summer Budget that will come into force from April 2017. It is in effect a payroll tax that will apply to large organisati...