Blogs & Updates

Online Monitoring and Schools' Safeguarding Responsibility
  November 11 2016


As of the 5th September, solely using web filters to protect students from harmful content is no longer sufficient and schools are expected to be more proactive in monitoring online activity. An inc...
Personal Tax Account
  November 10 2016
Don’t have the time to call HMRC and wait on hold for what feels like forever to check your tax code or inform them of a change of address? HMRC have now created the personal tax account service ...
The SIMS Autumn Release is available now
  November 09 2016


If you are a school for whom we run the upgrade, we will be contacting you to arrange a convenient date. Important Information regarding this release School Census – this release will remove the A...
Important changes to Microsoft UK licensing
  November 08 2016


From 2017, Microsoft will increase the pricing of all UK licences Why the increase and how much is it? To keep their British pricing in line with European Union pricing, Microsoft has announced a ...
Governance and Financial Healthchecks
  November 04 2016
Academy Accounting Officers will have received a letter from the CEO of the Education Funding Agency, Peter Lauener, reminding them of the principles that those holding public office should adhere to...
Children Missing Education - New statutory guidance from the DfE
  November 03 2016


On 1st September 2016, new statutory procedures were introduced by the DfE with regard to Children Missing Education. The DfE Children Missing Education statutory guidance document states that: ...
SBS Online – November Update
  November 03 2016
The latest update to SBS Online contains some improvements to parent planners of Multi-school trusts, new rounding options and a new set of tooltips on parent planners. Trust Schools In the 'Multi-sc...
Departmental News
  October 24 2016
The DfE/EFA have released information that Senior Leaders and Governors will want to consider. Condition Improvement Fund Academies and sixth-form colleges can apply to the Education Funding Agency...
Stay alert for phishing email scams
  October 21 2016


At SBS we monitor cyber threats that could affect schools and provide information about how you can protect your ICT systems and data It has come to light that schools are being targeted with sophis...
BTEC Basedata Import
  October 20 2016


Some schools may be experiencing issues with the BTEC Basedata import when importing BTEC Basedata from the JCQ. This is due to the late addition of a new level description for the BTEC Level 3 Nati...