Blogs & Updates

Are you ready? Get set...
  August 23 2016
Having nearly understood the Omnium and Keirin watched at the Olympics, Quidditch and school finances seem simple (and JK Rowling agrees!). So with just a few days until school opens – are you re...
Exams Performance Measures File version 2
  August 23 2016


Capita have released a version 2 of the Performance Measure File for exams information. This file along with the latest QAN catalogue are important for your reporting of exam results and analysis. ...
Exams Patches from Capita
  August 15 2016


Capita's escalation team have now passed the consolidated patch 22159 following testing and this will be released today. They apologise for the delay in getting this out and hope applying this as a ...
HR Policy Audit & Review
  August 11 2016
HR Policy Audit and Review - Autumn Offer Ensure your policies are up to date and legally compliant with a bespoke audit - just £499! Full review of up to 10 existing policies Assess content taki...
Teacher pay scales 2016/17
  August 10 2016
We have implemented the new teaching staff pay scales for 2016/17. The general rule is a 1% increase in value of each 2015/16 salary scale. Last year we introduced three scale tables - A, B and C. Th...
21 Questions To Ask . .
  August 05 2016
Last year the All Party Parliamentary Group on Education, Governance and Leadership published two lists of questions to challenge governance in schools and academies. One was to help challenge school...
Summer update - Outturn reporting
  July 28 2016
Our latest release provides further improvements to SBS Online: Outturn reporting We have added a new feature to show the previous year’s outturn. Simply go to ‘Settings > Budgets’, click ...
National Funding Formula - Update
  July 22 2016
The Secretary of State for Education Justine Greening has released a written statement to Parliament on school funding. In the statement, she has said the national funding formula will be delayed an...
School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions
  July 20 2016
School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) September 2016 Please be advised that the School Teachers’ Review Body has published its 26th report on the recommended changes to the School...
Schools Out
  July 18 2016
The last blog of the 2015/2016 Academic Year. I write this as a new Education secretary, Justine Greening, is appointed. No doubt over the summer we will see whether this changes the direction of gov...