Blogs & Updates

What Do You Think - New Grammar Schools?
  September 14 2016
Theresa May's government is seeking views on further changes to schools, which includes the creation of new grammar schools. Your views on the Green Paper are being sought. Click here to see details...
Academy Year End Audit
  September 06 2016
The Academy Year has arrived! To help you to prepare for your audit School Business Services have produced a checklist to ensure you have everything covered. If you need any further assistance in pr...
Academic Year Planner
  August 31 2016
School Business Services has produced a calendar showing key events and deadlines for academies in the coming year. Download our planner! →  Academic Year Planner September October Acc...
Are you ready? Get set...
  August 23 2016
Having nearly understood the Omnium and Keirin watched at the Olympics, Quidditch and school finances seem simple (and JK Rowling agrees!). So with just a few days until school opens – are you re...
21 Questions To Ask . .
  August 05 2016
Last year the All Party Parliamentary Group on Education, Governance and Leadership published two lists of questions to challenge governance in schools and academies. One was to help challenge school...
National Funding Formula - Update
  July 22 2016
The Secretary of State for Education Justine Greening has released a written statement to Parliament on school funding. In the statement, she has said the national funding formula will be delayed an...
Schools Out
  July 18 2016
The last blog of the 2015/2016 Academic Year. I write this as a new Education secretary, Justine Greening, is appointed. No doubt over the summer we will see whether this changes the direction of gov...
Tempus Fugit
  July 01 2016
Time Flies! Its July already and time to dust off the trophies for sports day, get out the tombolas for the summer fete and say good bye to staff leaving at the end of term. There will be transition...
Turnbull Report - A left field view on risk management for schools
  June 15 2016
Euro 2016 has started. Up and down the land adults and school children will be making assessments of the chances of their country in winning (at least one match), and thinking about mitigating the ri...
Here comes summer!
  June 06 2016
At the start of the final half term of this school year we look at the EFA’s calendar and at some of the announcements in the last few weeks. EFA Calendar For The Final Half Term We start this blog...